Friday, May 31, 2013

Abby to English Dictionary!

While I was in Spain, my friends made me a page-long dictionary of Spanish to English phrases that they say all the time. It was SUCH a good idea and so much fun I thought I'd make a quick Abby to English dictionary of phrases I've gotten into the habit of saying while I've been here...

Va bene: Okay or alright (Lit. Translation: it goes well. Most important phrase in my vocabulary.)
Scusi / Scusa / Scusate: Excuse me or I'm sorry (This rolls off my tongue all the time, I think I say this more than anything else here.)
Sei pazzo!: You're crazy! 
Vai!: Go! 
Grazie: Thank you (Another one that rolls off my tongue without my thinking about it.) 
Posso?: May I? (A polite way of asking for something. I have to catch myself everytime I'm about to say this to anyone who doesn't speak Italian.) 
Suona bene: Sounds good (Lit. Translation: he plays well. This phrase isn't ever used in Italian... I started saying it because I say "sounds good" in English all the time and it wasn't until after I got into the habit of saying it that my Italian friends finally told me it didn't mean the same thing in Italian but it apparently sounded cute so they didn't tell me.) 
Vale: Alright or okay. (This is Spanish, something I started saying literally the second I got back from Spain...) 
Tio!: Dude! (Another Spanish word. I was excited to find a word in another language that meant "dude" as Italian doesn't have one.)

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